About Me

I collaborate with community and academic partners to understand and solve complex social issues. My primary areas of expertise are men’s sexual violence against women (especially the social and systemic forces that contribute to men’s perpetration) and qualitative methodologies. Nevertheless, my research experience and skills span a wide array of topics and research methods. I have designed and conducted research ranging from random sample surveys on campus sexual violence to arts-based projects and program evaluations on LGBTQ2IA+ and food security programming. I am also an effective educator and knowledge mobilizer with 10+ years of experience disseminating research findings, delivering trainings, and teaching classes and workshops to diverse audiences. Underlying all of my work is a commitment to improving lives and promoting social justice.


PhD in Applied Social Psychology | University of Guelph, Ontario (2019)

Master of Arts in Applied Social Psychology | University of Guelph, Ontario (2014)

Bachelor of Arts and Science in Psychology and Biological Sciences | University of Windsor, Ontario (2011)

Selected Funding & Awards

3 national scholarships and fellowships totaling $212,500 from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC)

8 research and presentation awards for my work on gender and feminist issues from the Section on Women and Psychology (Canadian Psychological Association), the Society for the Psychology of Women (American Psychological Association), and the Association for Women in Psychology